The Story
The Story
The Story
The Cast

Leader of the 47 ronin. Yoshio was the trusted servant of Lord Asano, father of Chikara, and a man of unquestioned loyalty and honor. Upon the death of Lord Asano, Kira’s interests fell in keeping a wary eye on Yoshio, expecting him to lash out in vengeance. Yoshio proved to be more cunning than Kira, scattering the 47 ronin to divert attention. He divorced his beloved wife, a woman of uncommon grace, who kept with her their two youngest children (a young daughter and an infant son). When the 47 ronin stormed Kira’s mansion Yoshio lead the assault.
Oishi Yoshio

A determined young man and true samurai in the making. Chikara was the son of the Oishi Yoshio, and it is said that he was forged from the same iron will as his father. Trained by his father, as well as by master swordsman Horibe Yahei, young Chikara’s skill at arms was the envy of many mature samurai. He followed his father in death, dying by seppuku and preserving his honor for eternity.
Oishi Chikara

Lord Asano was a man of integrity and honor. An adherent to Confucian principles, he held his duty as Daimyo, his duty to his vassals, and his adherence to the bushido code as incorruptible. He famously refused to pay bribes to shogunate officials ( a commonly accepted practice of the day ) which lead him into direct conflict with the corrupt Kira. During his final period of service in Edo, Kira was to provide instruction in the etiquette of the court to Lord Asano. After enduring Kira’s abuses throughout his stay, Lord Asano was finally pushed too far. He drew his dagger and attempted to kill Kira for his insults, but was stopped by retainers before he could deliver a killing blow. He managed to deal a minor wound to Kira, sealing his own fate in the process. He committed seppuku, preserving his honor even though his family was disgraced by his actions. His most loyal retainers, swore and took revenge on Kira, giving rise to the legend of the 47 ronin.
Asano Naganori

A court official of the shogunate who was tasked with instruction of court protocol. His corruption was carefully hidden beneath a thin veil of deception to protect himself from justice. When Lord Asano refused to indulge him with the expected bribes, Kira would scheme to divert attention from his own activities and to bring ruination upon the morally unassailable and incorruptible Asano. Trusting to social convention and the rule of law to protect him from Lord Asano’s men proved foolish, and Kira lived his remaining days in fear of their retribution.
Kira Yoshinaka

A humble samurai of profound skill, cunning and courage. Yahei was 77 years of age when Lord Asano died, and joined his fellows in swearing vengeance. Though of advanced years, only a fool or those courting death would underestimate the skills of a samurai who had seen 61 years of service and survived every battle. Yahei contributed to the training of Chikara and accepted the mighty samurai Yasubei into his household after permitting him to marry into the family. Yahei would serve at Asano’s right hand during the incident, confronting Kira’s most powerful warriors and surviving unharmed.
Horibe Yahei

Horibe Yasubei
Adopted son and son in law of Yahei. Yasubei was a samurai of legendary proportions and prodigious skills. Capable, kind, and a man of honor, Yasubei served Lord Asano with uncommon valor and compassion for the vassals of his lord. Credited with breaching the fortified doors within Kira’s mansion, it is said that he knocked the heavy doors down with such force that three men were trapped beneath their weight as the 47 ronin pressed their attack into the mansion.

A lovely geisha frequently employed by Kira as a spy. She spied upon Yoshio and sought information on Chikara at Kira’s direction. The information she provided would trigger many of Kira’s actions, proving to be a profound influence on how the revenge of the 47 ronin unfolded.

A favorite of Kira’s hedonistic appetites, she was also employed to spy upon activities of the disgraced ronin of Lord Asano. Her loyalty to Kira may have been overestimated, but her influence on Kira’s actions cannot be denied.

Kinemon Kanehide
A quiet, unremarkable looking man possessed of a legendary devotion to his lord and his fellows. Kanehide would go on to marry the daughter of the man who built Kira’s mansion and used this familial connection to take work among those craftsmen who were called upon to maintain it. His access allowed him to subvert the gates to Kira’s estate, allowing the 47 ronin to enter quickly and take the battle to Kira and his men. He would die alongside his fellows, his honor and devotion to lord Asano beyond question.

Teraskae Nobuyuki
A samurai foot soldier, this youth was only 12 years of age when Lord Asano died. Nobuyuki would go on to serve his fallen lord with high distinction, and was selected to deliver the news of Kira’s death to Ako. He would outlive his fellows, being spared by the shogunate when he returned to from Ako to face judgement. He lived to the venerable age of 87 years and was interred with honor alongside his fellows.